Book Description: After sitting through a 4-H demonstration on the evolution of the horse, Rosie and Carrie are determined to present the arguments for creation at the club’s next meeting. The demonstration proves harder to put together than they imagined as everyone offers the girls their opinions. The lessons Rosie learns about creation extend into her life in surprising ways as she faces her old adversary, Billy King, who cheated her out of her first trophy with her pony, Scamper.
You cannot pick up a non-fiction horse book today without reading about the evolution of the horse. The images showing the progression of eohippus, merychippus, etc. into modern equus are constantly portrayed as though they are fact.Clothed With Thunder presents the other side of the story - that horses are magnificent creatures meticulously designed by an awesome and loving God.
My Book Review: Vicki Watson has done it again! The 3rd installment of the Sonrise Stable horse themed book series not only delights but it surpasses with an exuberance for reading! Clothed with Thunder is a children's book with a christian theme base and centralized around the love of two friends, Carrie and Rosie, and their united love of horses. They live with their doting grandma who shows them unconditional love and relationship that heals and mends and is based on an level of faith that children can understand and follow along. In this installment of the book, the girls hear a presentation at their 4-H club that gets them to thinking about the process of critical thinking between evolution and creaiton. They are determined to show that their beloved ponies were a creation from the Heavenly Father! They show a beautiful spirit through-out and their determination and courage is evident in these young girls, proving once again that our foundation of passing on the baton of faith begins at home and at a young age!!
IMHO, it helps to have read the first two books in this installment as they have a continuation theme through-out and the overall flow of the book is better knowing the backgrounds. However, this book, should it be the only one you are able to read in the series, still stands firmly on it's own and is remarkable in it's own rights. What a charming, fantastic children's book - I"m proud to have this series grace the bookshelf of my son, who is 8! Yes, it's for girls and boys and a beautiful life lesson for all ages.
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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.
Reviewed by: Kelly Santi