Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Book Review: A Letter to Evan

From the back jacket:  Divorce changes everything. It is disorienting, painful and disruptive. One dad steps forward to illustrate how to rise above the destruction of divorce, become a better person, and yes, even a better father to his children. Roy Page exposes his heart in A Letter to Evan. What began as affirmation and instruction for his son has become a journey of healing, growth, and inspiration to men everywhere. Being a loving, effective parent when you are not a part of your child’s daily life is challenging whether you are a father who travels or is ivorced. Roy Page shares how he has maintained a presence in the lives of his children. As a man who enjoys hunting, fishing, sailing, and woodworking and possesses a deep desire to share these times of adventure with his son, Roy learns to navigate his extensive travel schedule along with Evan’s hectic baseball schedule to find a way to connect. Even if it means writing a letter.
ROY PAGE is CEO of Third Degree Advertising.
He jets between North Carolina and Oklahoma to keep his business and family going. Losing his father to Alzheimer’s disease and his wife of twenty years set Roy on a path to reset his priorities, discover the good in people, and dream of a better future. Laugh, cry, relate, grow, and heal with Roy in A Letter To Evan.
My review: 
Hat's off to Roy Page!  What a triumphant and brave author, father and inspiration to pen a letter to his son for ALL of us to share.  A Letter to Evan is a poignant and profound journey through a letter written to a son from his father after a heart-breaking divorce.  Through bitterness, resentment and loss grows a beautiful love between a father and son.  

A Letter to Evan is beautifully written, faith-filled and inspires us from the core of parenthood to reach inside and take a good look at our relationships with our own children.  After reading this book, as a mom (not a father!)with 4 children of my own, A Letter to Evan is eye opening journey for all of us.  If you're a child of divorce, this book is for you.  If you are a parent with a child(ren) after divorce, I encourage you to pick this book up!  It's invalauable.
A copy of this book was provided to me (to review and give my honest opinion) by The B&B Media Group.  The opinion expressed above is my own. 

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