Overview: In the year 2162, a young boy named Jal Valhyn is caught in a maelstrom of violence and conflict. His country is at war and the world's government based on humanistic principles that had fulfilled its promise of a halcyon peace for over a century has fallen. Alone and helpless, he has an encounter with an invisible being that leads to a seven day journey. With his two appointed companions, he sets out for a safe haven far from the world of danger and turmoil. Each day's trek brings new friendships and a growing awareness that life has dimensions grounded in more than the material. He intuitivitively grasps the source of the faith that sustains the inhabitants of an enduring peaceable kingdom.
My review: Janes is clearly a skilled and talented writer, able to weave a tale of science-fiction with a spritual twist. Her writing style is crisp and clear and certainly unique.
My honest impression of the first chapters is it's not an attention grabber. There is a very slow start to this read and if not persistent enough, I may have even put it down unfinished. But stick with it - the message is really wonderful once it gets going and the characters will enlighten you.
Jal is a young man in a conflicted place - a place beyond that we can't possible know yet in this time frame of 2013. It's a relatable novel in that his journey is one of importance - both complex to understand yet a clear message. It's not an overly storng book with a big impact. If you are looking for a WOW factor, this book is more subtle yet still provides a good message, especially for the teenagers and beyond. I think this book would better fit a High School age or older. One thing that stands out for me with this author is her colorful vocubulary.
She's very expressive and writes with conviction and her love of prose shines through with each chapter.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was
not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any
other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing
this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.
Reviewed by: Kelly Santi
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