Pieces of Me, Life of a Recovering Dysfunctional by Diana Lynn is a rather quick read, swishing between the authors short-storied memoirs to an Our Daily Bread pamphlet style of writing. It's a 33 chapter ebook, broken into two sections, appropriately called Life and Lessons. Most chapters are brief and fresh and raw. The author gives a lot of depth In her self-help manner of writing that ranges from the typical daily walk of life to the heart wrenching loss of her mom. The love for her son Kenny is evident through-out and a constant reminder of the good in times going bad.
This book, writing in a easy going, familiar style, is clearly written from the heart. I appreciated her honesty in that there was no great wisdom to take away from this book ... She "isn't even sure she knows the Word" and doesn't attend church. She simply talks to God and feels His presence in her life.
Sometimes that alone is simply enough.
But she writes for you. She writes for me. She writes for all the reasons we need to hear a dose of reality in a world full of imperfections. Your silver lining awaits you. I know people who have sat their entire lives in church on Sundays and still do not know Christ.
Being grateful in a lifetime of dysfunction isn't easy to do. Diana writes like the dear friend you've had for many years that invites you in for a cup of tea and you hope and pray for one more story. She's real. She bears her heart and soul I order to remind you that through dysfunction, self help is plausible. And so is redemption.
About The Author:
Author BIO:Diana Lynn is a Seattle-area business owner, speaker, wife, mother, and author of Pieces of Me – Life of a Recovering Dysfunctional.
Find Diana on the following websites:
Diana’s Website: www.recoveringdysfunctional.com
Blog: http://recoveringdysfunctional.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PiecesOfMeLifeofaRecoveringdysfunctional
You can purchase Pieces of Me -- Life of a Recovering Dysfunctional on Amazon.
* CWA Disclaimer: In reading this book only one of Diana's many stories concerned me. As a new believer facing the loss of her Mom, Diana makes a decision to consult a psychic. Please be aware that this is not a decision CWA endorses or supports in anyway. I believe the Bible is very clear about psychics. Instead, I hope this story will be a cautionary tale to believers showing the importance of supporting the brokenhearted through their grief so they are not enticed by the strategies of the enemy.
I received this book for free in exchange for a fair review as part of the CWA Find Diana on the following websites:
Diana’s Website: www.recoveringdysfunctional.com
Blog: http://recoveringdysfunctional.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PiecesOfMeLifeofaRecoveringdysfunctional
You can purchase Pieces of Me -- Life of a Recovering Dysfunctional on Amazon.
* CWA Disclaimer: In reading this book only one of Diana's many stories concerned me. As a new believer facing the loss of her Mom, Diana makes a decision to consult a psychic. Please be aware that this is not a decision CWA endorses or supports in anyway. I believe the Bible is very clear about psychics. Instead, I hope this story will be a cautionary tale to believers showing the importance of supporting the brokenhearted through their grief so they are not enticed by the strategies of the enemy.
Review Crew.
eBook reviewed by: Kelly Santi
Hi Kelly, I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful review! I just happened to come across it. What a beautiful surprise.I can't believe how perfectly you captured my message...my whole reason for writing the book. You get it! I want to people to know they are not alone as they fumble through life. We all struggle with love, faith, life, loss. Sometimes as we struggle we think no one understands. No one gets it or no one has ever felt this way before. But there is someone out there that does understand and is waiting for you. Don't give up. Hang in there and keep moving forward. It will get better. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book and share my message. It means everything to me.