Sunday, April 27, 2014

Book Review: Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers

From the book Jacket:  "If our families are to flourish, we will need to learn and practice ways of forgiving those who have had the greatest impact upon us: our mothers and fathers."Do you struggle with the deep pain of a broken relationship with a parent?
Leslie Leyland Fields and Dr. Jill Hubbard invite you to walk with them as they explore the following questions:
  • What does the Bible say about forgiveness? Why must we forgive at all?
  • How do we honor those who act dishonorably toward us, especially when those people are as influential as our parents? Can we ever break free from the "sins of our fathers"?
  • What does forgiveness look like in the lives of real parents and children? Does forgiveness mean I have to let an estranged parent back into my life? Is it possible to forgive a parent who has passed away?
Through the authors' own compelling personal stories combined with a fresh look at the Scriptures, Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers illustrates and instructs in the practice of authentic forgiveness, leading you away from hate and hurt toward healing, hope, and freedom. 
"A call to very hard, but very vital, work of the soul."
--Dr. Henry Cloud, leadership expert, psychologist, and best-selling author
"Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers is essential reading for anyone who wants to deal with those hurts in a constructive, healing, and God-honoring manner."
--Jim Daly, president, Focus on the Family
"Leslie Leyland Fields and Jill Hubbard take us into raw, messy stories so we can be transformed by that mysterious and painful grace in the force called forgiveness."
 --Scot McKnight, Northern Seminary
My Review:    Have you ever thought about forgiveness and said "I did nothing wrong, someone else did!"  Have you asked yourself "Why read yet another book on forgiveness?  How exactly do I move past the hurt?  What do you mean make amends?"   Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers by Leslie Leyland Fields and Dr. Jill Hubbard will not only shed light on that very idea, but give you the tools for incredible leaps towards closing the forgiveness gap.

This book is so refreshing in it's wonderful inclusion of faith and scriptural
strength without being over the top.  It's subtle enough to understand God's desires for us to forgive those that have trespassed against us but firm in
the reasons why and hopes for forgiveness.   I nodded in agreement as they equated forgiveness with Jonah's journey and how sometimes being so dutifully wrapped up in the inability to forgive, we miss essential ways to move beyond.  Dreams are misguided, life goes off course, hopes seems lost.  However, rather than live with a hardened heart, we must look past the hurt, albeit is absolutely warranted in it's reason, and focus more on what Jesus asks of us:  Forgive us our debts.  He is the life and breath that we take and in each of those intakes, we must offer love and redemption - even if it's only for ourselves.

The inclusion of thought provoking Study Questions at the end of the chapters is a nice touch.  It expands on the topics discussed in the chapters and allows you to apply it to your own life and circumstances, giving much room for thought and processing.  While enlightening, I did find this book heavy on the personal stories (of author Leslie Fields) and countless stories included in this book from others around the globe.   What I took away from this book is in forgiving others, you have the incredible ability to let go.  You can let go of the pain, the hurt, and move on towards a better quality of life.  To humble ourselves and show mercy in offering that forgiveness is freeing. 

I received this book for an honest review from BookLook/Harper-Collins and was not required to write a positive review.  Any reflection of such is my own and this review is an honest reflection of such.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Book Review: Get Your Teenager Talking

Get Your Teenager Talking by Jonathan McKee is one of the finest examples of a book for parents and teens alike!  This book is a wonderful tool to guide you on methods and techniques to talk to your - or any - teen in a world where most don't have the time, energy or ability.  With this incredible book, a break-through will allow you to tackle handling conversations and break-down the wall to resistant or monotonous conversation.

The most vital message this book yielded for me was:  be original, be unique and don't fall into the cookie-cutter mold of conversation with your teen(s).  Don't access yes or no responses.  Actively seek communication by open ended questions, funny anecdotes and topics of interest.  Don't lecture - create dialogue! 

My mom used to say there are 2 sides to every story ...  the one you tell and the one you hear.   I put this to thought when reading this book as most kids will hear what you say, but maybe their thoughts, words or valued ideas are not the same as what you are thinking.  Hence, this book explores why the topics to get conversations going are relevant and valuable.  Such topics as "Do you think it's appropriate to text during a family meal?" or "If someone made a movie of your life, what actor/actress would play the role of you?" will give your teen something to think about and share with you through vivid conversation.  You never know, you might even learn something about your teen that you didn't know before!

Packed full of Springboard conversations - 180 of them to be exact - the topics are endless.  Each one of them is designed to make your teen think and respond.  Each springboard introduces a topic, so unique and thought-provoking
your teen won't be able to resist.  Even adult conversations for the tongue-tied or unsure can begin talking with these gems of topics.  Follow up questions, insights and quick additions round out the possibilities for conversational success! 

Who can benefit from this book?  Parents, teachers, camp counselors, church youth group leaders and more!

 *Disclaimer:  I received this book for an honest review from Bethany House, a division of the Baker Publishing Group and was not required to write a positive review.  Any reflection of such is my own
and this review is an honest reflection of such.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Book Review: Place in Purpose


Place in Purpose by Kathryn C. Lang is a self-help style book designed to share with you the author's view on your place in this world and the plans God has for you on this earth.  She presents it in a matter of fact style of writing in a Who, What, Where, When, Why manner.  Her message overall is always a good one to hear if you are coveting a Christian point of view. It covers such topics like your relationship with God, nurturing the soul, and fellowship with others, just to name a few.  The author invites you to ask yourself:  "Do you know why you are here on this earth?  What will you do with your gifts once you realize what they are?" 

Humbly, this book fell way short for me.  While I think the author has some good points made in her book, this book doesn't answer those questions.  As I turned each page and went towards a new chapter, the writing appeared rambled and sentences jumped mid-stream. I hoped for something more concrete.  I appreciate the insight of her thoughts and interjection of quotes or stories related to her points of view, but the writing style is just too confusing and resembled more the style of a research paper rather than chapters that flow with conducive thought. 

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

You can read more about the author here:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Book Review: A Sensible Arrangement


Synopsis:   Marty Dandridge Olson is ready to leave behind the pain of the past.Answering an advertisement for a "Lone Star bride," she leaves her Texas ranch and heads to Denver to marry a man she doesn't know.

Jake Wythe is the man waiting for her.Burned by love, he marries now simply to satisfy the board of Morgan Bank, which believes a man of his standing in society should be wed. Together Jake and Marty agree they are done with romance and love and will make this nothing more than a marriage of convenience.

When missing money and a collapsing economy threaten his job, Jake's yearning to return to ranching grows ever stronger, much to Marty's dismay. But a fondness has grown between them, as well, further complicating matters.

What will happen when their relationship shifts in unexpected ways...
and dreams and secrets collide?

My Review:    This was my first novel by Tracie Peterson and A Sensible Arrangement is exactly what you would expect it to be - sweet, refreshing and very down to earth.  This book focuses mainly on the two characters of Marty (Martha Dandridge) who, mourning the death of her husband, wants to make a clean start from her ranching life in Texas.  She agrees to become the mail order bride of Jacob Wythe, a banker from Colorado with both agreeing to the premise that it will be a marriage of convenience, nothing more. 

While this book is rich in faith and a Christian based romance novel, there are a few hints of dishonesty and secrecy.  However, the reasons that lie within the reasons Marty's keeps these secrets isn't vindictive or spiteful. Just as God forgave our trespasses, the author weaves much prayer and scripture into this book.   She truly struggles with the decision that sometimes people facing a crossroads might encounter.  The author does a wonderful job of keeping this story on track and it flows quite nicely.  It's a fairly quick, simple read within no drawn out plots and does not have the twists and turns one might expect. 

Just as Jake and Marty begin to grow a fondness for each other and reevaluate their marriage being one of convenience, you will grow a fondness for the story, the characters, the wonderment of life back in these days. 

*Disclaimer:  I received this book for an honest review from Bethany House, a division of the Baker Publishing Group and was not required to write a positive review.  Any reflection of such is my own
and this review is an honest reflection of such.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Book Review: NIV Ragamuffin Bible

From the book cover:

Do you believe that God not only loves you, but that he also likes you? It's just one of the soul-searching questions posed by bestselling author Brennan Manning who confesses he has been 'John the beloved, Peter the coward, and Thomas the doubter all before the waitress brought the check.' The NIV Ragamuffin Bible offers a collection of Manning's raw, painfully honest, yet grace-filled devotions, meditations, and reflections of his journey limping back to---like the prodigal son---his overjoyed father. When you journey through this Bible, you will likewise find yourself returning to your Heavenly Father, basking in the knowledge that God not only loves you, he delights in you. Features:* Complete text of the world's most popular modern-English Bible, the NIV* 104 Devotions guide you into a deeper connection to God and his Word * 250 Reflections help you understand what it means to be a child of God* 150 Quotes offer short but thoughtful insights into God's kingdom.

My Review:  
Have you said to yourself, perhaps more than once, this is the year I'm going to read the bible!   Have you reminded yourself of your New Year's goal, or Bucket List moment, to read it cover to cover?   With the Ragamuffin Bible, you can! It is a bible - not a book :)  However, what makes this extraordinary bible stand out is that it's so personable and inviting. 

With exquisite onion skin, delicate paper and easy to read font, this book is simply stunning.  It carries within it's 1,140 pages the entire bible Old and New Testaments.  Scattered through-out are small forewards and passages that make you stop and pause, relevant to the scriptures that it's speaking of.  For example, in Exodus 6:5 when God said to Moses "I am the Lord. I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians and free you from being slaves."  The small sections of thought provoking questions scattered through-out relevantly implore:  Do you really believe that God loves YOU unconditionally and as you are? 

Reading the bible is not just a desire for many of us but often the words we seek when we are in our greatest needs.  We turn to the Word for guidance.  While biblical translations are constantly updated in our ever changing world,
this version of the bible is trust and just and a beautiful adapation of the Word of God.   This book gives you the opportunity to not only read the Word, but personally reflect on the passages with thought-provoking insight and devotions to assist in getting a better connection to God.

Book review by: Kelly Santi

I was given a copy of this book to review from the B & B company.  The opinions expressed within are purely my own for an honest review of the book.

Book Review: A Shining Light

 The kind people of Amana have been her guiding light, but her greatest trial is yet to come...
West Amana, Iowa, 1890

After Andrea Wilson receives the devastating news that her husband has been lost at sea, she returns home to Iowa with her young son, Lukas. But what she finds there causes more heartache: The family farm has burned and her father has died, leaving Andrea with nothing.

Andrea must rely on the kindness of the people from the nearby Amana village who invite her to stay with them for a time. She discovers much generosity and contentment among the Amanans--especially from the tinsmith, Dirk Knefler, who takes her son under his wing. But is the simple, cloistered life in Amana what Andrea wants for Lukas's future? Is she willing to give up the comforts and freedom of the outside world? And when yet another round of shocking news comes her way, will Andrea ever be able to find the serenity and hope that have eluded her for so long?
My Review: 
 In the vast bookshelves filled with romance novels, this one is just as refreshing as a walk in the sunshine!  From the front cover to the end, I could not put this book down.  Judith Miller is an extraordinary writer.  Her writing style is expressive and her character descriptions are so vivid
you feel as if you are in the story right there with them.
Andrea Wilson's life has not been easy.  Leaving the safety of her father's farm,
she marries Fred and has her son, Lukas, who are the main characters of this book.  They live a life of turmoil and abuse and Andrea doesn't know much happiness or security.
When a knock on the door from Mr. Shaw, her husband's employer, tells her he has died at sea,
she has no choice but to return home to her father's farm and start over.
Sadly, she makes the journey with her son only to find out that he has passed away
and the farm burned to the ground.
She finds refuge in the Amanan community and quickly finds her place working
alongside the women and cooking and helping until she can get back on her feet.
What she doesn't expect is to fall in love along the way.
The relationship with Dirk, an Amanan tinmaker in the community,
is so very sweet and tender and melts the heart to know that such goodness exists.
He loves her son as if he were his own and takes him under his wing.
Shockingly, Fred returns to find her and demand that she not only return with him to live but also give him all the monies from the sale of the farm.
This book has a wonderful plot, twists and turns.
While the book does prove to be predictable through-out,
the message of faith and love and purity is one that will melt your heart
and leave you with a smile.

*Disclaimer:  I received this book for an honest review from Bethany House, a division of the Baker Publishing Group and was not required to write a positive review.  Any reflection of such is my own
and this review is an honest reflection of such.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Book Review: Queen of Persia

***Esther Queen of Persia is a Foreword Reviews Journal Finalist
 for the 2013 Book of the Year Awards
 in the Religious Fiction category. *****

Esther Queen of Persia by: Jim Baumgardner

Hadassah, the beautiful, Jewish teenager from the city of Susa in Persia, is taken by force to the palace of King Ahasuerus. His command to find the most beautiful virgins in his kingdom, and bring them to the house of women, has placed Hadassah under the supervision of Hegai, the king's custodian of women. Hegai and his servants, have one year to prepare each virgin for one night with the king. Although Hadassah was taken from her home by force, she refuses to become bitter. She accepts being called Esther, but inside remains always, Hadassah. She continually wonders why she is there, yet remains faithful to her God, and to her identity. It is years before the answer is revealed. Her people face annihilation, and it falls upon her shoulders to stop it. Her first thought is to shirk her duty, but Mordecai, her cousin, will not allow it. His words, '"Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"' brings her to her senses.

Unlike many of the novels written about Esther, this book seeks to remain true to the Biblical account, while supplying additional historical information from the time period 486-473 B.C. The book has a five page Introduction, which gives insight into some of the things found in the story. It has a page, listing the months of the Jewish sacred calendar and the corresponding month of our modern calendar. Also in the back of the book is a listing of Scriptures mentioned in each chapter, along with a listing of works consulted in research for Esther Queen of Persia.

My Review:   Lush with detail and a story line that flows well, Esther Queen of Persia is a beautifully written book that captivates the reader from the very first pages.  Jim Baumgardner's writing style is flawless.  This book is rich in biblical exploration and history and told in an easy to understand form.  It flows, it captivates, it tells a story you will not want to put down.  Each character is so beautifully portrayed that you feel as if you are walking in the times of this story, hearing them speak and living as they lived.  It's simply magnificent. 

Esther Queen of Persia is told from different points of view,  from Esther to Mordecai, her uncle (or cousin - that's a bit unclear)  She is told by Mordecai to hide her Jewish faith and her name is changed by the King's court from Hadassah to Esther.  She tells of her abduction and preparation to be married to the King and the relationships she develops along the way.  Her peaceful manner, character and beauty not only surprise all who meet her in her captivity, but they come to respect her.  She remains faithful to her faith in God despite being taken from her home and placed into a situation she didn't ask for.  She's dutiful, modest, kind, steadfast in her faith and the King is immediately smitten.  The author also tells us of the journey of her cousin from her homeland, Mordecai, who makes it his mission to find her and remind of her duty to her Jewish people. 

If you are not familiar with the passages of Esther biblically, you will by the time you close the covers of this book. Its' a wonderful adaptation of the story of Esther, her plit and her time married to a King who would do so much to make her as happy as she makes him.
It's a wonderful reminder in times of trial where faith stands strong and prevails.  One of THE finest books I've had the priviledge to read.

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.  

Reviewed by:  Kelly Santi

About the Author:


Born and raised in Wichita, Kansas, Jim Baumgardner resides quite literally on the old Chisholm Trail that ran from the Red River, north through Indian Territory, to the cattle towns of Kansas. Wichita is one of the original cow towns of the old west, and Jim helps keep that history alive by volunteering at the Old Cowtown Museum in Wichita. His volunteer work extends both into schools and homeschool groups where he gives various programs on writing, the Underground Railroad, cowboys and trail drives, and early Wichita history.

Although Jim's roots sink deep into Kansas, his family's early beginnings were in Western Ohio where his great, great grandparents, John and Elizabeth were married in 1856. In 1879 their son, John Jr., left Ohio for the life of a Kansas ranch hand and cowboy. John Jr.'s son, James, after whom the author is named, followed the same course by working the land and raising cattle. Commenting on the Baumgardners Jim stated: "I'm proud of my German heritage and the work ethic passed on to me by my father and grandfathers. I come from a long line of storytellers, and it has always been fun trying to figure where the truth left off and the fiction began."

Around age ten Jim began writing poems and songs. After reading some of Jim's work, his father encouraged him to continue his writing. At nineteen he had his first article printed in a magazine. Forty years later at age fifty-nine his first novel, Sarah's Wish, was published.

Mr. Baumgardner continues to reside in Wichita where he loves to stroll the dusty streets of Old Cowtown. It is there he can walk back into the Nineteenth Century and for a short time catch a glimpse of life as experienced by his grandfathers. It becomes a time to remember his roots, glean new story ideas, and never forget the hard working pioneers who contributed so much to the making of America.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Book Review: So Much the Better

So much the Better by Megan Means is a quiet, quick read - just 80 little pages with one powerful message to share.  This book details the life of Ari, a lion cub, separated from his mother, his lands, the very pride he was born into when the Dark Winds sweep down upon them.  When he awakes, he's alone, scared, hungry and confused and far away from the rest of the pride.  He is quickly befriended by numerous animals in his quest to find his way  home - from a singing bird Shirarina, Eliezer the eagle, Gamzo the fox just to name a few.  This book is not just about the journey to find home, it's about the journey within and relationships that form who we are along the way.

While this book is not astounding, it's charming in it's own right.  The author is wonderfully descriptive in her writing style and offers the reader a unique writing style, weaving a tale of courage and hope in a colorful, descriptive manner.  Her characters in this book come to life.  She scatters through-out the novel words of encouragement like putting aside differences and coming together to live peacefully as one.  It does get repetitious at times, especially in the instances that Ari meets a new character.  However, there is a refreshing scripture in the book from Ecclesiastes that states "He who keeps gladness in his heart remains strong" and that's the theme I took away from this book.

I think this book is better suited for the middle, possibly high school age levels.  There is a good message to learn and take away from it in that we should all learn to work together towards peace for all.  I found it interesting that she was able to take situations that many teens could be going through in their daily life and wrap it into the characters of animals with the message still being strongly one of peace and harmony. 

Book review by:  Kelly Santi

You can read more about the author here:Author Bio: Megan Means  has a passion for children's literacy and wants every child to have a love for books and reading. Megan desires to inspire children to become their best selves and to be leaders who make a positive difference in the lives of those around them. Megan's fondest memories are of the years when she home-schooled her children and the many adventures they had along the way. Today, she continues to write and would like to create a sequel to her story "So Much The Better".  To learn more about Megan and her book, visit her website:
I received this book for free in exchange for a fair review as part of the CWA 
Review Crew.

Book Review: TWIRL by Patsy Clairmont

Twirl by Patsy Clairmont is a pure breath of fresh air!  The laugh out loud, be young at heart kind of book that makes your spirits soar and your heart dance!  I could not put this book down from the moment I opened the first pages.  This is down to earth, friend to friend, heart to heart talking and it warms the soul, leaving a smile behind as you close the book on the last page read.  Absolutely refreshing!

Twirl is written in the classic Patsy style of writing that highly entertains. There is no doubt if you've read any of her previous books that she has a gift!
Her ability to weave a tale of life, mixed with a bit of humor, life experience and an extensive knowledge of the bible leaves this book simply enchanting. 
She talks to the average person - to you, to me, to all of us that feel like life
is full of more downs than ups.  This books reminds you through it's entertaining, simple to read, easy flowing chapters that we are all designed for a higher purpose yet we are to enjoy the journey!  There are quotes, passages, poems, scriptures, thoughtful questions to ponder over as you pour over the words so poignantly written within these 170 delightful pages. 

I'd give this book higher than 5 stars if I could as each one of them has been dutifully earned.  It was an absolute honor to review this book.
You can read more about the author here and view her vast amount of other equally fantastic books.

*Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book from BookNook for review and the above opinion is purely my own. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Book Review: Perfumed Letters by Robin T. Smith

Book Description:  Every woman knows how special it is to select just the right perfume…and how a scent can capture an experience or evoke a memory like nothing else.   In Perfumed Letters, Robin Smith offers a refreshing spiritual revelation regarding the intimacy of perfume, known as a woman’s anointing. She uses powerful, evocative images from the Bible and life experiences to illustrate how God refines, presses, and fashions our individual scents as pleasing to the Lord.

  • Are you a concrete, absolute or an essential oil?
  • Fragrances that attract blessing and repel favor.
  • The purpose and influence of a Perfumed Letter.
  • How God uses fragrance to remember His covenant with you.
  • Your signature fragrance in Christ… and so much more!
With writing that is fragrant with His word, love and experience, Robin gives a unique perspective on the ways in which each woman is fashioned in the aroma of His Spirit--important and valuable to Him, written as His Perfumed Letter.

My Review:  Perfumed Letters by Robin T. Smith is as unique as it is charismatic.  It's a refreshing look at a Christian based 'self help' book that begs you to take a closer look at your life based on our personal "fragrance."  By that, I do not mean that we smell - good and/or bad!  We each have a perfumed stamp on life, an anointed oil if you will, that becomes part of who we are.  The scent or trail of a person can be defined in ways such as our actions, our thoughts, our behaviors. 
From anger to bitterness and resentment to elated and euphoric - it's all covered in this creatively written book!

I love that the author opens the book with the positive note that we are put on this earth to bless someone else. This book is about finding our purpose, our way, our spiritual anointing.  It's full of
scriptural references so it helps to have a bible nearby for easy passage searching (unless you know them all by heart!)  My favorite part was by far the glossary of exclusive fragrance reviews!
She breaks down the women of the bible into 'fragrance' categories ~  need to know where Herodias stands?  What scent was Rahab?  What about the Woman at the Well as mentioned in the book of John? 

While this book didn't seem to have an overall flow through-out, it was certainly expressive and creative.  The author speaks from the heart and writes in a way that makes me sense she would be wonderful to hear speak in person.  I am sure there would be plenty of thought provoking statements, laughter and a message we would all enjoy. 

About the Author:   Robin Smith was born on March 24, 1982 in Centreville, Illinois. She is a single mother with one young son and currently in her 12th year of active duty service to the United States Air Force. A graduate of Cahokia High School, Robin is working on a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with Ashford University. In addition to motherhood, duty, and education, she is pursuing certification as an Etiquette Instructor in St. Louis, Missouri. A bit of an adrenaline junkie, when she is not writing, she is involved in traveling, hiking, and archery indoor rock climbing.

Book review by:
Kelly Santi for CWA Review Crew
  I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.  


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Book Review: Journey of Hope by Debbie Kaufman


Book Description:  Escaping a society wedding, Annabelle Baldwin followed her heart to Liberia to pursue her calling as a missionary.  But when an attempted kidnapping lands her under the protection of Stewart Hastings, Anna's journey takes a new turn.  The wounded war veteran needs a guide through the jungle. It's a job the underfunded missionary can't refuse, despite the feelings Stewart stirs in her guarded heart.

Stewart knows he won't succeed without Anna's expertise.  And when dangers puts her life at risk, he realizes he cannot live without Anna by his side.  But what will it take for a man who has lost his faith to capture the heart of the woman who lives for hers?

My Review:  This book is breathtakingly written in the rarest form of elegance and skill!  It's a refreshing journey into the Christian aspect of romance ~ pure and fresh and all things wonderful.  This is my first novel by author Debbie Kaufman and her poignant writing style keeps the reader at the comfortable pace. It's full of charismatic, cheerful and uplifting words, written to sooth the reader of God's divine goodness in all ways of our world, good or bad.

The book starts out with a page turning near abduction of Anna - the book's heroine and crusader of the jungles with her missionary work to bring hope and faith to those in need.  Her near abduction from two chloroform yielding thugs puts Stewart right into her path at the right time ~ he can not only not forget her plite, but he's drawn to her in ways even he can't explain at first.  He is twice wounded - once at war and once by his fiancĂ© who couldn't deal with his horrific war wounds and called off their engagement.  However, he needs to Anna's help and as she returns to the jungles, he becomes her guide and the pair intend to 'help each other.'  They battle the dangers of the Leopard men tribes, small factions of people that do not like outsiders and send strong warnings to those who dare to enter their territories and most importantly, the dangers of daring to love again.

Journey of Hope fulfills it's expectations of a phenomenal Christian view of romance in it's purity of prose, standards of loving God first and foremost and having a vision of your purpose in life. Falling in love along the way is definitely the added bonus!  Into this tale the author weaves in messages of hope and faith sustained, even in the toughest of times.  God our Savior remains with us during our hardest battles and times of trials, even when we might believe He has forsaken us.  The author brings home the beauty and strength for Christian romance! 

5 well deserved stars!
You can read more about the author here:

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.