Sunday, April 6, 2014

Book Review: Perfumed Letters by Robin T. Smith

Book Description:  Every woman knows how special it is to select just the right perfume…and how a scent can capture an experience or evoke a memory like nothing else.   In Perfumed Letters, Robin Smith offers a refreshing spiritual revelation regarding the intimacy of perfume, known as a woman’s anointing. She uses powerful, evocative images from the Bible and life experiences to illustrate how God refines, presses, and fashions our individual scents as pleasing to the Lord.

  • Are you a concrete, absolute or an essential oil?
  • Fragrances that attract blessing and repel favor.
  • The purpose and influence of a Perfumed Letter.
  • How God uses fragrance to remember His covenant with you.
  • Your signature fragrance in Christ… and so much more!
With writing that is fragrant with His word, love and experience, Robin gives a unique perspective on the ways in which each woman is fashioned in the aroma of His Spirit--important and valuable to Him, written as His Perfumed Letter.

My Review:  Perfumed Letters by Robin T. Smith is as unique as it is charismatic.  It's a refreshing look at a Christian based 'self help' book that begs you to take a closer look at your life based on our personal "fragrance."  By that, I do not mean that we smell - good and/or bad!  We each have a perfumed stamp on life, an anointed oil if you will, that becomes part of who we are.  The scent or trail of a person can be defined in ways such as our actions, our thoughts, our behaviors. 
From anger to bitterness and resentment to elated and euphoric - it's all covered in this creatively written book!

I love that the author opens the book with the positive note that we are put on this earth to bless someone else. This book is about finding our purpose, our way, our spiritual anointing.  It's full of
scriptural references so it helps to have a bible nearby for easy passage searching (unless you know them all by heart!)  My favorite part was by far the glossary of exclusive fragrance reviews!
She breaks down the women of the bible into 'fragrance' categories ~  need to know where Herodias stands?  What scent was Rahab?  What about the Woman at the Well as mentioned in the book of John? 

While this book didn't seem to have an overall flow through-out, it was certainly expressive and creative.  The author speaks from the heart and writes in a way that makes me sense she would be wonderful to hear speak in person.  I am sure there would be plenty of thought provoking statements, laughter and a message we would all enjoy. 

About the Author:   Robin Smith was born on March 24, 1982 in Centreville, Illinois. She is a single mother with one young son and currently in her 12th year of active duty service to the United States Air Force. A graduate of Cahokia High School, Robin is working on a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with Ashford University. In addition to motherhood, duty, and education, she is pursuing certification as an Etiquette Instructor in St. Louis, Missouri. A bit of an adrenaline junkie, when she is not writing, she is involved in traveling, hiking, and archery indoor rock climbing.

Book review by:
Kelly Santi for CWA Review Crew
  I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.  


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