Friday, June 20, 2014

Book Review: Adventures Under the Mango Tree

God bless the Klepp family.  Honestly, this book moved me to my core!
I received a copy of this book for review but had no idea the sheer impact it would have on me to read it.  It's a honest, real-life approach to the biblical scriptures of humanity, selflessness, sacrifice.  From the opening pages where Mrs. Klepp shares her calling and quoting Romans 12:1-2, this book is about giving even when there isn't anything TO GIVE.  God will prevail and provide!

While this book is not earth-shattering, it's pages are filled with love and
stories of generosity, sharing, and caring.  What struck me most of all, aside from being a missionary called to do God's work abroad, is how they put so much of themselves to the side to give to others.  While Dennis battled a potentionally life threatening cancer, and most of us would not budge from the US and the medical care we have here, he and his wife went into the midst of the jungles, so rural and bare bones basic that a sheer love of God's forgotten children was enough.  The power of prayer proved to be stronger than fear
and conquered the unknown. 

I found myself applauding Lillian at times as she described taking in children who's mothers had died in childbirth, going to the neighboring cities to get supplies, even when it put her life in danger.  I had to laugh at the concept if eating outside the comforts of our fast foods and cushy supermarkets - especially when something like termites were considered a delicacy.  While I said outloud "No Thanks!", she described it with graciousness and following the plan that God obviously chose for her, bugs and all. 

I loved the addition of the pictures ~ it brought the book to life and gave it so much more realism.  This book is not all happy endings and everything coming up roses.  There are passages and chapters that will break your heart and you will need some tissues nearby.  But mostly, if you want a book that will fill your heart with pride for those that go above and beyond in the name of God and His Word, if you want a book that shows extreme sacrifice and a lesson in what we may do in our backyards, then this book is a great resource.  It's uplifting, inspirational, educational.

This book is a quick read - 21 short chapters and packs a punch in it's 106 pages.  It's a great read for students, sunday school lessons and leaders alike.

You can read more about Lillian Klepp and her mission's work

Disclaimer:  A copy of this book was provided to me (to review and give my honest opinion) by  The B&B Media Group.  The opinion expressed above is my own.

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