Saturday, July 26, 2014

Book Review: Home Behind the Sun

From the Book JacketTimothy Willard and Jason Locy show readers how to discover the brilliance of God in the shadows of everyday lifeLife opens up before each of us, it beckons, it tempts, it thrills, it betrays. And what do we desire? All of it and none of it.

We’re not in this to survive, but to live. We want to experience joy in the everyday grind of work, relationships, and parenting. We want healing in our suffering. Forgiveness in the midst of our pains. Purpose through the journey. We want to break free from the temporal and live with an eternal perspective. We want to be brilliant.

In Home Behind The Sun coauthors Timothy Willard and Jason Locy invite you to step out of the shadows and into the brilliance. They want to introduce you to the God of the mysterious. A God who combats despair with joy, topples bitterness with forgiveness, and eliminates cynicism with belief and whimsy.

You’re invited home. Home, behind the sun.

My ReviewWhile this book landed in my lap for review purposes, I could not have imagined when I opened the cover of the very first page how much it would enlighten my life.  Yes, enlighten!   I'm a busy wife and mom with 4 kids to juggle and sometimes I have to remind myself that it's a blessing, a gift my hard-working husband has given to all of us so I could be a stay-at-home-mom.  In between the massive amounts of laundry, cooking, cleaning, more laundry, more cleaning, and oh! The dogs want a walk - again!   Life is that vast walk with God and all the entertainment that comes along with it - keeping our eyes on Him and knowing each day, no matter how hectic or convoluted or busy, there is always SUNSHINE waiting at the end. 

This book carries 14 informative and lovely chapters to read.  Each chapter is centered around a target topic, filled with scripture and anecdotes and lovely stories from the author's daily lives with their families.  I was able to see similarities and welcomed the head nods I caught myself doing with "yep, been there - I hear you." At the end of the book is a great discussion guide tool.  I'd recommend this book to adult Sunday school classes where thoughtful theological discussions would be welcomed, especially among young families and parents with children. 

There were parts of this book where reflection had me teary eyed.  The gift we call gratitude that is sometimes overlooked should be part of our daily walk.  Like the cars that are old and falling apart, yet they get us from place to place.   I love the author's reflection of "we all want something more in this life."  Often-times we may catch ourselves daydreaming of a better life, a better house, vacations we see in pictures and wonder if we will ever get there ... the list goes on.  But truthfully, there is a gift in everything, all around us. 

Read this book! You'll be enriched.  You'll fall in life with your life and all it's 'pull your hair out'  craziness.

Be brilliant ♥

About the AuthorsYou can learn more about the authors and their lives here on the website:

Disclaimer:   I was given a copy of this book for review by BookLook for an honest review. The above opinion is that of my own entirely.

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